Plant your Spring bulbs in Autumn!

Spring bulb – Tulip

To make your patio look colourful during spring, start planting your spring bulbs now during fall!  It could be crocus, tulips, hyacinth, daffodils…


Last Autumn I tried with tulip bulbs and it was lovely to watch them grow.

I planted different colour tulip bulbs in different height of containers for clear visibility of all the flowers.

You can also mix different types of bulbs which blooms weeks apart to have a colourful bloom throughout the spring. Note that the depth of placing the bulbs vary from plant to plant. Daffodils should be placed 4-5 inches deeper, tulips 3-4 inch and crocus 1-2 inch into the soil.



  1. in a container add potting mix till the height suitable for placing the bulbs.
  2. place tulip bulbs 4 inch below the top end of the soil keeping the tapered bulb end facing upwards
  3. cover the bulbs with remaining soil
  4. keep the soil moist during the fall
  5. in winter (where the winter is severe/snows) move the containers to a cool place. I placed mine in the cellar away from heaters
  6. keep the containers out beginning spring.


Budding in March
Full Bloom in April

Once the flowering was over and the plants dried out i removed the bulbs dried them throughly and stored in a cool and dark place for next year.

Isn’t it beautiful? Then what are you waiting for! Rush to the nearest garden nursery and plant the bulbs immediately …

Happy Gardening!

